
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Dixonlicious 2018 - feeds you and so many others

Dixonlicious  event returns for it's 4th year.  They work with community members at every life stage to achieve their vision of a city where everyone thrives, their mission is to create lasting solutions to end poverty, social injustices and isolation in Toronto – and their goal is to provide 25,000 meals to those in need.  This year Dixonlicious will be hosted by Farah Nasser, from Global News Toronto.  
Dixonlicious is an event that raises funds for Dixon Hall a non-profit agency.

All proceeds from the event benefit their food programs in the downtown east and Regent Park which are just as diverse as the community members they serve.  

Services provided include Meals on Wheels, snacks for after school initiatives for Regent Park youth, meals for our March Break and summer camps, meals for our two homeless shelters, and Community Meal programs for community members facing food security issues, including people living with HIV/AIDs
Tickets are available here - use offer code GIVEBACK at check out for a 15% discount

You can also look on the event page of our website to get a list of the restaurant and beverage partner:

 Silent auction items are available here:

I have attended Dixonlicious a couple of times and these are some of the photos of some of the dishes from last years event.  It's a fun event in a great location at the Daniels Spectrum an easy to get to location with underground parking even.  It's always great to attend an event with great food and at the end of the night you will have helped so many people just by attending and having fun and eating great food and maybe bidding on some fantastic items.

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