
Friday, November 18, 2016

Evening at the Market

I finally got a chance to go to St. Lawrence Market's Evening at the Market. I knew it was a great event because my blogger friends have attended in the past.  This time my foodie partner Mary (Mary's Happy Belly) brought me along as her plus 1.   We love to go to events together because it's way more fun when we run around and take photos together.  I really wanted to attend this event for a couple of reasons.  I really like St. Lawrence Market and my dad used to get seafood and other things from there when I was a kid so there is a long history. I don't get a chance to go as often as I would like to go so I was really happy to be there to taste all of the in house vendors food.  I have sampled a great deal of food from there but a lot of it had to be prepared at home.  Things like mussels, ribs, and a whole assortment of all kinds of foods.  There are classics like the Peameal bacon on a bun and a favourite of mine was the churrasco chicken on a bun too.  Sadly Buster's seafood wasn't open to their full array and I bet that would have been insane if it was.  Always a popular spot.  My first stop was for some perogies and beets.  I was looking for my favourite foods and things I don't get all the time.  I was so full so quickly that I kept saying it was my last thing and kept going.  Mary did a lot better than I did and tried a lot more things.  It's a great showcase of the vendors but it's also a fundraiser with the proceeds going to one of my favourite charities Second Harvest.   I have about 3 food related charities that I really like and Second Harvest is one of them.  The do food rescue and have great programs but mostly their administrative costs are low so more good is done with the money and food gained from the fundraising events.  They also had a contest for $20 you pick an organization on a map that your money will be donated to and you could win $1000 travel voucher.  Win Win I would say.

Chef Claudio Aprile, Origin Restaurant owner and Masterchef Canada judge was there doing a fun Turkey roll demo for a holiday meal.  He is very particular about his salts it seems.

St. Lawrence Market also had entertainers like this silks acrobat and there were DJ's and a band.
TV Personality Shoanna Jensen was spotted enjoying the silks acrobats moves.  The hall was decked out with chandeliers and lights.  It was mostly fantastic for food photography compared to a lot of dark events.   The event took over the 2 levels of St. Lawrence Market and as usual I wish I could have tasted a lot more of the food.

They have done a few of these Evening at the Market events so I hope that you can attend the next one.   You can meet and chat with the vendors that provide your food and have fun at the same time while doing a bit of good for your community.

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