
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Healthy products can taste good and do good things

This week I was invited to attend a NEW PRODUCT BOUTIQUE event of SPEED PITCHING of Health and Wellness products.

The event was hosted by Registered Holistic Nutritionist Andrea Donsky and Randy Boyer, Co-founders of The Healthy Shopper and Naturally Savvy, Co-Authors of UnJunk Your Junk Food.

I met Andrea at another event so I was happy to see her co hosting this event.  I really thought it was an interesting concept to have a Speed Pitching session set up for Healthy Brands present their new products to food writers/bloggers.  We were assigned a table and the brand reps had about 10 minutes to tell us about their products.  We stayed seated and sampled or listened to what the benefits of their products were.  Once the time was up they moved to the next table.  It was very fun and easy for us as they would drop stuff off as apposed to going to a trade show and having to lug samples and info materials around the room.  I have never been to a media event like this so I congratulate Shari Cogan for organizing this unique way of presenting products.  I am sure this format will be copied by others. The idea came from the Dragon's Den concept and translated well to a fun and informative lunch event.

Here are some of the lovely people I met during the pitches:

1. Simply Protein - Jaclyn and Nathalie  2. Nature's Path - Justine & Debbie
3. Love Child - Donna & Emma 4. Orange - Norman, Brett and Jennifer  5. Now Foods - Joy
6. DeeBee's - Dr. Dionne Baker

Other reps I missed were Nutiva - Chris & Tyler, Skinny Pasta - Margot & Wendy, The Healthy Shopper - Randy,  Nudge - Amy

Because there was so much information presented by these great Health & Wellness Brands I just wanted to acknowledge them in this post and will write a couple of other posts to spotlight them in more detail later.   That way I can list all of their social media info and other info about each product.

But what I will tell you now is that I was pretty impressed by all these brands.  Some I have used or heard of before but there were new products in the line or new people to the market.
One of the new ones was Dr. Dionne Baker's Tea Pops, a concept her kids came up with while in the kitchen fighting for attention.  I sampled the berry flavour and really enjoyed the fresh fruit taste and I hope to try some other flavours soon.  You will never go back to regular popsicles once you have tasted these tea pops.

Another new product to a brand that has been in business for a long time was Superflakes by Nathure's Path.  I have been having this for breakfast this week because it's got a great crunchy flake that has coconut and chia in it.  It's a great replacement for the usual cereals that have a lot of junk in them.

I also tried a new product called MagPop a Magnesium Glycinate effervescent Drink Mix.  It was mixed into a bit of water.  It tasted like orange and was pretty good.  I was interested in this because most people don't get enough Magnesium and it was explained that this was the best kind for you.  I hate taking pills so this was interesting to me.   I mixed it with a bit of the great juice that was at the event and it was really refreshing.

There were a couple of products for kids that I will taste test with my friends daughter soon and then post her reactions.  Kids never lie so will see how she likes them.

If you want to see more from the event you can check out #newproductboutique and #mediaden on social media.

I will be posting more detailed information including how to reach these brands in further posts so that I don't overwhelm you with it all in one post.  But if you see these brands sampling in stores near you try them out, I think you will like them.

*disclaimer- I attended the media event and was provided samples but the opinions in this post and photos are my own.

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