It really was the perfect day for this festival. The weather really was in their favour, not to hot, not too windy, cool enough to keep the food and people fresh.
Julie Daniluk the nutritionist and TV personality was leading the charge while dressed in her Tomato fish costume. Julie is very passionate about health and does everything she can to get people to make the right choices with their food.
Do you know if your food has been genetically modified? Well if it has nobody is going to tell you that is. That's what the March and festival were for, to spread the word and get petitions signed to get governments to make producers label GMO foods. While it might be a long way away from banning GMO's because the big companies will tell you it's better for sustainability and for the future of food. But do we really know what the long term effects to our health or the planet will be? Would you choose a GMO labelled product? Companies that export some products overseas already have to use mandatory labelling so why don't they just do it for everywhere? Therein lies the problem. The big secret that all the Monsanto's of the world hide from the public. What we don't know won't hurt us... well actually it may be the opposite case in fact.
Anyway.. you can research more about this issue and see if you can get involved in letter writing, petitions or Marches but I just want to tell you about this event for now.
It was a lovely event with speakers like Julie and other people involved in different areas of expertise and there was also music too.
Then my favourite part, the food vendors. Chef Brad Long left his Brickworks Cafe Belong to be there to serve up some cookies, brownies and butter tarts. There was a nutritionist that decided to set up a booth to serve really fresh assorted vegetable and grain salad. I had this salad for $6 it was packed with flavours, colors and a health boost.
They were also handing out Tilda rice to everyone so I walked away with a bag of free rice. I also picked up a juice box of lemonade from Kiju.
I sampled some interesting flavoured Ghee, some Neal brothers samples, Raw food dips and I bought some great looking tomatoes and garlic chives and one of my favourite Honey's Dutchman's Gold.
I wasn't planning on buying anything and was just there to check it out and maybe get something to eat but it's hard not to support all these great vendors who are trying to do the right thing.
You gotta support local, GMO free, and as free of anything but what real food is.
It's a GOOD THING as Martha Stewart might say.
For more info visit #farm2forkTO
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