
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year's Eve - Party or Not?

Do you look forward to or dread New Year's Eve?

The answer usually depends on where you are in your life.  If you are married and spend it with your significant other and other couples then it's probably a great thing.  If you are single you might not feel the same way about it.

For me it's the time of year where I reflect on the past year and always feel like I should have kept up resolutions.  

I am not a big party person so going out to a bar with a bunch of drunk strangers yelling all night is not something I want to do.

I prefer to stay home and watch all the countdown shows from all over the world and especially the ones in New York.  New Yorkers don't go to Times Square because they know they will be locked in all night in the freezing cold.   I prefer to watch it from the comfort of my warm home.

Here are a few tips to get you through the night:

If you stay home alone:

1.  Prepare what you would like to have if you had gone to a great party.
2.  Make fondue or something special to make it feel like you are splurging on yourself.
3.  You can even get a mini bottle of champagne if you want to toast the night.
4.  Invite friends that you want to spend time with over or just enjoy doing whatever you want alone.
5.  Get all your snacks ready and get cozy and ready to countdown the night.

If you go out to a bar:

1.  Try and drink 1 glass of water for each glass of alcohol you drink.
2.  Make sure you have a ride home  if you plan on drinking.  The TTC is free or have cab fare or a designated driver.
3.  Be prepared to have a back up plan in case the bar is too packed or the place is a bust.
4.  Make sure you have something to eat before you go to a bar just in case there isn't much available or there are long waits to get any food.
5.  Dress to impress but make sure you are prepared for standing, dancing or standing out in the cold if you have to.

Going to a party:

1.  Make sure you follow some of the same tips as above about drinking and getting a ride home.
2.  Make sure you bring something for your host or any food or drink requested.
3.  Don't overstay your welcome.   If everyone starts leaving at 12:15am and the host looks tired then it's your cue to leave too.   Once a friend showed up after everyone had left and was ready to party.
4.  Just because you are at someone else's party it doesn't give you the right to be loud, obnoxious, rude or drunk to the point of getting sick.   That's not cool and no host wants guests like that.
5. Don't assume you can stay over.  Unless the host offers beforehand it's up to you to figure out how you will get home.  Don't put the burdon on your host or they will never invite you back again.


Have an assortment of drinks.  Not everyone drinks Champagne.  Have wine, beer and non alcoholic
drinks for those that need to drive.

Suggestions for great New Year's Eve food includes:

Fondue, either chocolate or cheese
Charcuterie platter
Shrimp ring is always easy to serve
Sushi is also great for parties.
Like more substantial food - lasagna is always a crowd pleaser
Pizza - have a variety of different kinds of pizza
Veggie platter is always safe if you don't know if people have food allergies
If you are fancy you can have things like Caviar, and Gougeres and Macarons, basically fancy little things.
Maybe your crowd are the chips and dip kind of people.   Find out what they like and then everyone will enjoy the party.  
If everyone is on a diet and all you have are chips then you will leave your guests feeling like they are forced to break the diet or feel deprived.

Either way... be a good host and be a good guest and if you can't do that then stay home alone and make your party of one the best if could be.

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