
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Power in a glass

This is power in a glass.

I am not a big smoothie person but I know that they are a great source of liquid nutrition that breaks down in the system efficiently.

I am not a banana lover other than banana breads so I am not fond of a lot of the smoothies you get at retail stores.

My favourite smoothie that doesn't taste like a smoothie to me is from Jugo Juice. I get a Powerzone drink that tastes like a strawberry tropical desert but it has protein powders in it that will give me a boost about an hour after I drink it. It's the one thing I have found that tastes great and that I can actually feel it working.

I don't like a lot of the chalky tasting protein powder shakes and smoothies so I have been trying different things at trade shows and from markets around town.

After reading a bit in Julie Daniluk's book Healing Inflammation she recommends using Hemp protein instead of whey or soy protein. So I picked up some chocolate flavoured Hemp protein. It doesn't have that strong smell like some of the other ones have.

I tried to mix it with a bunch of super boosters into a power smoothie. I have all these super charged ingredients but I am trying to figure out how to make them all palatable. If it doesn't taste good I won't eat or drink it.

This experiment consisted of the following ingredients.

Frozen Strawberries
Fresh blueberries
1 tbsp chocolate Hemp protein
1 tsp maca powder
1/4 tsp bee pollen
1/4 tsp chia seeds
1 tbsp raw honey
1/4 cup coconut milk

I blended it all together in the blender and the picture above is what it looks like.

It's a bit gel like in it's consistency and I don't know if that's the chia seeds or what did that. It doesn't taste too bad but I think I need to experiment with the consistency.

Will see how this works in my body today and if it gives me the energy I need to get through my day.

I have had low energy and I am trying to find healthy and tasty ways to get more nutrition into my body.

I would recommend the chocolate hemp protein and I think once I get the right formulation of other things to use in it I think I might be able to get used to it.

I have a serious carb addiction and still want some bread for breakfast but I am hoping to try and switch to other healthier options in the future.

I added the blueberries because it's an antioxidant super brain food and the strawberries are also great antioxidants that are great for skin.

So this concoction is an antioxidant, protein, brain and energy super drink that is supposed to provide enough fibre and binding agents to eliminate all the toxins out of your body.

Will see...

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