Thursday, March 15, 2012
Food Trucks get no love from the City.
One of the Coolest shows on the Food Network is called Eat St. which is a show all about the Food Trucks in the U.S. mostly. Although there are some in Vancouver.... BUT NOT TORONTO... Why? Because there is a stupid By Law in place at City Hall that says a food truck can only park in a parking lot for 10 minutes. So you can park your car for hours but a food truck can only park for 10 minutes. The City allows Cancer causing Hot Dog and French Fry vendors but forget about Diversity...they tried the A la Carte version but that totally flopped with the ridiculous fees and rules. It's time to Amend the stupid city by law and let Food Trucks Rule. Sometimes you want to grab something quick, tasty and cheap while you are trying to rush through your day. It doesn't compete with the sit down restaurants because if you had the time and money to take a leisurely lunch break you would. Some people just need to grab some grub on the run. Why does the only grub and go have to be street meat and toxic fries?
Food trucks are the hottest thing in the US.. we have some great food trucks here but they just can't do any business other than at special events. Let them operate 365 days a year so they can make a living and feed the rushed masses.
Pleas sign the Petition for the Food Cabbie and for Caplansky's to operate at a Queen St. E. parking lot.
Support FOOD CABBIE'S fight to amend By-law 545-269G Petition | GoPetition
Let's see our food trucks being featured on the next Eat st. series.
The people of Toronto are Hungry for Food Trucks so it's time we get more of them around town.
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