
Monday, January 16, 2012

Toronto mayor holding public weigh-in Monday | CTV Toronto

Toronto mayor holding public weigh-in Monday | CTV Toronto

Our Mayor and his brother are launching a Cut the Waist Campain for themselves and other Mayors and residents of Toronto to Join.

I find it ironic that he is launching this on what is called "Blue Monday" which is considered the most depressing day of the year. It's the time where people start to give up on their New Year's Resolutions and realize that they can't pay for all the Christmas shopping and spending they did in December and when they have to stay indoors because of the cold and it's normally grey and gloomy and slushy outside. We got lucky on the grey/gloomy/slushy thing in Toronto but I am sure we didn't skip by the rest of it.

So do you think the Ford brothers can do it? How much weight do you think they can lose? Are you going to join them?

I wonder if the Ford brothers are going to start banning junk food from the Halls of the City?

Mayor Miller changed his lifestyle and lost 50 pounds while he was in office. Can the Ford brothers beat his results?

I guess we will have to wait and see how they do in the next 6 months.

What are your guesses on the total weight loss they will have?

I am all for a healthier City Hall in whatever form it comes in.

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