
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Gluttony at the CNE

Going to the CNE in Toronto is a yearly exercise in Gluttony. With all the smells of all kinds of food everywhere you go you can't help but eat things you know you shouldn't.

This year was no exception. Some of it was good. Some of it wasn't so good. Case in point... Chicken and Waffles.

This was from the same people that made this year's calorie bursting Krispy Kreme Burger.. No I didn't have one but this is what it looked like.

To redeem the bad waffle I had to get a good waffle with my annual tradition of getting an ice cream waffle sandwich. Now that was a good waffle done right.

Another thing I tried was some pulled pork tacos. Not widely promoted I guess because it's not one of the insane deep fried items but it was very tasty and the taco shell had a great crunch and taste.

But the best thing I ate at the EX was a chicken nugget cooked by the Surreal Gourmet & Glutton for Punishment celebrity chef Bob Blumer. Bob was on hand at Opening day for 2 cooking demos. One at 2 and one at 5pm. I got there late for the first one thanks to the TTC so we decided to check back again on the second one to see what we missed. Glad we did that because we were lucky enough to be sitting in the front row and got to taste the yummy chicken nuggets that Bob cooked as one of his quick and easy food demos. I got a chance to meet and chat with Bob the last time he was here to promote a Second Harvest event at Yonge and Dundas Square where I was able to chat with him for a bit. After his second show I decided to pick up his Glutton for Pleasure cookbook and get it signed since I had the opportunity to do it. I was surprised that he actually remembered meeting me months ago. I took a photo of him with my friend but this photo is of him signing my book. Thanks Bob for a fun show.... oh...and check my next blog post.. saw him the next day too.. No I am not stalking him... I am a foodie and go where the food is... so does he. you have to read the next one to find out where.

Bob also brought his toaster mobile to the show.. well not exactly.

It was a fun day at the CNE.. except for the TTC ride there and back but that's another story.

My advice to you if you visit the EX... either eat before you go so you won't be tempted or go hungry and eat everything that you can't resist and detox the next day. I did part of that.... didn't exactly detox the next day but trying to take it easy on the food now.

There are a lot more celebrity chefs at the EX everyday until the end so go see some food demos in the Direct Energy Building. and don't forget to visit the FOOD Building with your appetite and lots of cash.


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